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Powinienem wiedzieć, że tak robiłem to trudne sposoby Możesz golić lata z Twojej krzywej uczenia się, odkrywając wszystkie moje najlepsze skróty dla wzorców działań dotyczących cen transakcyjnych, aby pomóc Ci zidentyfikować najlepsze możliwości konfiguracji transakcji. To wspaniałe nowiny, ponieważ musisz się dowiedzieć, jak sprawdzić cenę akcji pat dla siebie, gdy zabieram cię za rękę i pozwól mi patrzeć przez ramię, gdy przechodzimy przez dziesiątki ustawień handlu akcjami i nowych wzorów na dzisiejsze rynki, razem w Price Action Mastery. and najlepsza jest to, możesz zobaczyć dla siebie, jak szybko, łatwo zauważyć te wzorce dla Twoich transakcji, a to dobrze, że nazywam to poziomem na poziomie graczy, możesz faktycznie wykorzystać to Zobacz jak. Święta, aby dowiedzieć się, jak prawdziwy przedsiębiorca używa wzorców do działań o cenach, aby uprościć Jego handel, wykorzystując to, czego się dowiedziałeś od tysiąca bieżących transakcji PLUS, jak szybko można wykorzystać te mało znane strategie handlowe we własnych transakcjach. Pobieranie zdezorientowane przez przeciążenie wskaźnikiem lub nie działające bs zielone strzałki arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow Czy zużywasz czas i nie wiesz, jak dużo lepiej mógłbyś handlować, jeśli wiesz, jak rozpoznać samą formułę cen. Skorzystaj z nadmiernie skomplikowanych wskaźników technicznych, zacznij używać wzorców działania cen, za każdym razem, gdy się zajmujesz. 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FAQ Czy sesje webinarne są dostępne do pobrania w przypadku, gdy nie mogę ich wszystkich odpowiedzieć Tak - w rzeczywistości są one w wyjątkowo wysokiej rozdzielczości rozdzielczości bluray 1920x1080, zazwyczaj około 300 MB każda, którą możesz pobrać Masz dostęp do indywidualnych obszar pobrania, w którym można pobrać każde nagranie webinarne, zamieszczone w ciągu 48 godzin po każdym wydarzeniu FAQ Jak twoje trenowanie jest unikalne, jak to różni się od innych pedagogów Odpowiedź Najważniejszą sprawą jest to, że mam prawdziwy przedsiębiorca, który udowodni to regularnymi planami PL rzeczywistych transakcje I've done jak widziałeś w webinariach podglądu Jako prawdziwy przedsiębiorca, mogę pokazać, jak ja handlu, i zrobić to w szybkim tempie, profesjonalne środowisko uczenia się. Ponadto, ponieważ byłem Fortu ne-500 doradca ds. szkoleń korporacyjnych dla takich firm jak Ford, Sheraton, Chevron, McDonnell Douglas, Hyatt i inni użytkownicy poznają interaktywny styl uczenia się podczas seminariów internetowych, a nie snoozefest jednokierunkowych wykładów, jak inni robią sesje zabawa, zaangażowanie, praktyczne, autentyczne, ponieważ mam prawdziwy przedsiębiorca, a także przyspiesza szybkość korzystania z interaktywnego formatu coachingu zanurzeniowego, który jest wyjątkowy w branży handlowej. I ma uznane światowej klasy nauczyciela, trenera i konsultanta, oprócz bycia prawdziwy przedsiębiorca Co to oznacza dla Ciebie, możesz nauczyć się na znacznie głębszych, bardziej osobistych poziomach i robić to w szybkim, interaktywnym i świetnie wydanym formacie, który jest unikalny To tylko takie dobre widzieć wszystkie setki opinii na moich witrynach , w tym wideo, które pokazują, jak dobrze handlowcy uczą się ze mną. FAQ Ken, jak to różni się od innych treningów Odpowiedz Price Action Mastery koncentruje się w szczególności na tym, aby pomóc Ci odkryć, jak używać wzorców cenowych dla obu wyjść breakout i przestawnych Co unikalne jest nowe wzorce, zaktualizowana taktyka, dodatkowe strategie i działania To ma na celu dodanie do moich innych kursów i dostarczanie nowych umiejętności handlowych i wizualnych handlu wejście i wyjście umiejętności FAQ Ken, jak my zaplanuj moje 30-minutowe rozmowy telefoniczne Rozmowa Będziemy zaplanować wszystkie rozmowy trenerskie, które rozpoczną się pod koniec stycznia, w czasie, który jest wzajemnie dogodny dla obu z nich, poproszę przedsiębiorców, aby mnie wysłali 3 razy, które są dla Ciebie dobre, a ja wybieram i skończymy czas, po czym dzwonię do Ciebie w wyznaczonym czasie na nasze osobiste rozmowy Jest to rzadka premia, którą wykorzystywałem 2K godzin na rozmowy telefoniczne w latach 2001-2005, kiedy im zaoferowałam. Najczęstsze pytania Jak się trenujesz i jesteś wykonaj szkolenie w zakresie szkoleń, w kursie Cena działania Mastery Odpowiedzi Handlarze uczą się najlepiej, angażując się w proces uczenia się, a nie tylko biernie obserwując webinar, jak to mówić szef telewizji kablowej show Więc projektuję specjalne zajęcia w ramach każdego sesji, która zasadniczo podążasz za techniką, a następnie wprowadź i wyjdź z rozmowy o tym, jak możesz wejść w handel, jeśli chcesz, że to całkowicie opcjonalne do udziału, zachęcam do skorzystania z tego profesjonalnego, interaktywnego podejścia do pomocy przyspieszenie nauki i rozwijanie umiejętności szybciej niż kiedykolwiek. Przez trenowanie zanurzenie chodzi mi o to, że przechodzimy przez wykresy razem jako zespół i staramy się skoncentrować na dokładnym określeniu, jak używać tego samego dnia taktyki Price Action Mastery, korzystając z wykresów, których się uczymy To jest o wiele lepsze niż powolne wykłady w stylu powerpoint, które nauczyciele używają zamiast uczynić się z rzeczywistych wykresów rynkowych, a strategie Price Action Mastery objaśniono ostrożnie, a interaktywna obsługa Live QA ze mną przez cały czas sesja to potężna droga, aby dowiedzieć się, jak naprawdę trade. FAQ Jakiego rodzaju wsparcie dla przedsiębiorców oferuje odpowiedź Odpowiedzi na Twoje pytania podczas członków tylko na żywo webinars, może zapytać o konkretną technikę handlu prawami cen i uzyskać odpowiedzi na żywo w czasie rzeczywistym, że nie mogę odpowiedzieć na poszczególne pytania za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej, ze względu na ograniczenia czasowe, więc nie wysyłaj pytań e-mailowych o handlu, ponieważ z tak wielu handlowcami po prostu nie mam czasu na Odpowiadaj na indywidualne pytania handlowe za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej. Cieszę się z wizyty w webinariach, gdzie możemy przechodzić przez pytania razem Mogę pozostać w domu tak długo, jak trzydzieści minut po każdym wydarzeniu dla handlowca Q A. FAQ Co to jest główną zaletę nauki Cena Działanie Mastery with you Odpowiedź Jak opisuję w filmach, główną zaletą jest zdobycie profesjonalnych umiejętności handlowych, które pomogą Ci stać się niezależnymi od usług alertów, oprogramowania specjalnego, biuletynów, chatroomów i podobnych kulek. Aby móc usunąć wykres bałagan więc można zobaczyć krok po kroku dokładnie, jak ustawić swoje wpisy i wyjścia, wyciągając wykres i szybko wiedząc, jak to handlować jak profesjonalny przedsiębiorca Pomyśl, ile czasu można sa nie używając słabszych wskaźników, a zamiast tego potrafi szybko zastąpić tę umiejętność, szybko dowiedz się, jak rozdrobnić wykres i dowiedzieć się, jak to zrobić. Zdobądź zaufanie i szybkość, aby nimbly przejść przez wykresy i natychmiast wiedzieć, jak aby handlować nimi, to długoletnia umiejętność, którą będziesz cenił tak długo, jak będziesz handlować Jako jeden z największych uznanych profesjonalistów branżowych w dniu pędu i obrotu wahadłowego oraz prawdziwy przedsiębiorca, który to udowodni, jestem m kompetentny i zdolny uczyć wszystkich umiejętności potrzebujesz. FAQ I m opcji lub Forex, lub E-mini przedsiębiorca może to mi pomóc Odpowiedz Price Action Mastery będzie zawierać przykłady wykres dla obrotu huśtawki i intraday handlu i ETF, a nie Forex lub ES e-minis Jednak cena - szkolenie wzorcowe, które będzie można uczyć się, może być łatwo przystosowane do handlu na innych rynkach, ponieważ uczy konkretnych umiejętności korzystania z szybkich schematów wprowadzania cen, które można wykorzystać z dowolnym wykresem. Dla podmiotów oferujących opcje, uzyskując zrozumienie, jak korzystać Działanie cenowe jest również kluczową umiejętnością, więc tak, może być bardzo użyteczne dla podmiotów zajmujących się handlem produktami Pamiętaj tylko, że nie porozmawiano o cenach strajku i rozmów, ani o wykresach Forex ES, ponieważ będziemy się uczyć z wykorzystaniem akcji ETF swing i dnia handel wykresami świecowymi together. FAQ Mam jeszcze jedno pytanie o program szkolenia Cena działania Mastery, w jaki sposób mogę zadawać pytania Odpowiedź Wystarczy kliknąć kartę Pomoc techniczna po lewej stronie lub kliknąć tutaj, aby przesłać pytanie. Ja chciałbym analizować wykresy za ich działanie cenowe w czasach kompresji 5-minutowy wykres w ramce czasowej 1 minuty, dzięki temu kiedy wchodzę na rynek, zdolność do handlu staje się znacznie łatwiejsza i wydaje się dłużej. W trakcie kursu zastosowana zostanie szybka analiza i decyzje dotyczące przenoszenia wykresów wystarczy użyć statycznych diagramów Rozumiem, że statyczne wykresy są konieczne, aby uczynić punkt nauczania Ruchome wykresy mogą dać nam praktyczne uznanie wzorców z naciskiem czasu - Bob W. 27. Październik, 2017 1 03 PM. Great Presentation Video Too wiele wskaźników do naśladowania jest trudne i złożone w celu określenia, jaki wskaźnik ma być używany Jednorazowy wskaźnik wydaje się być uparty, ale za moment zmienia się w niechciane, więc co wierzyć Skomplikowane i skomplikowane, podobnie jak druga ruchoma ulica wideo Mam pewne zrozumienie akcji cenowej i podoba mi się, bo to daje możliwość podejmowania dynamicznej decyzji. Dlatego nie mogę się doczekać, aby dowiedzieć się więcej na temat metoda handlu cenami, aby być ekspertem w handlu, aby osiągnąć mój cel finansowy. Mam nadzieję, że Twoje szkolenie pomoże mi osiągnąć mój cel - Srinath P. October 27, 2017 1 44PM. By uczenia się być w stanie dobrze handlować za pomocą tylko działania cenowe może zminimalizować koszty tworzenia wykresów oprogramowania i utraty lub utraty transakcji ze względu na sprzeczne wskaźniki Czy to działa również z zasobów i ETFs . Czy działa dobrze we wszystkich przedziałach czasowych, np. 1, 5 15 minut w ciągu dnia, co godzinę roboczogodzin na swing position trading Czy używasz wielu ramek czasowych, by robić zakupy lub skupiać się tylko na jednej ramce czasu w hen trading Bardzo dziękuję, - Terry O. 27 października 2017 r. 11 26. Działanie na akcje promocyjne pozwala mi uprościć mój handel, koncentrować się głównie na zmianach cen i używać minimalnych wskaźników w celu potwierdzenia wejścia lub wyjścia - Roland LI nauczył się od moich studiów Ganna trzydziestu lata temu ta cena jest królem Pomimo wszystkich skomplikowanych, prawie niezrozumiałych, Gann jest sygnałem, że naprawdę wszystko sprowadza się do działania cenowego. Odkąd wróciłem do handlu, przytłoczono mnie nowymi technikami, które mówią o rynku, ale są odejście od głównej gry - akcje cenowe Czekam na naukę od Ken - Joe M. Październik 27, 2017 6 38 AM. Prostota i nieskomplikowane mylące oscylatory, które są po prostu formułami na akcję cenową - Gary C. Październik 25, 2017 3 45 PM. Szukam narzędzi do dalszych moich umiejętności handlowych Może to być jedna z moich najlepszych - Howard E. Byłaś tak supernaturalna w nauczaniu Ken, wiedziałem, że Price Action ujawnia siłę kierunkową ceny w każdy dany czas i pobudza mnie do dużego ruchu dość czasu I smak, aby podzielić się swoim zawsze niepowtarzalny wgląd w to robi To dziwnego w branży handlowej Dziękuję - Nausting N października 23, 2017 7 41PM. to serce jakiś wykres jest akcją cenową Zawsze jednak znalazłem cenę samą, aby nie dać mi jasności Potrzebuję podjęcia decyzji Czy możliwe jest użycie ceny samą lub ich wskaźników, które pomogą w podjęciu decyzji Uważam, że kocham być facetem tropikalna plaża, ale to sprawia, że ​​życie jest zbyt proste. Czekamy na niektóre odpowiedzi i widzimy, jak się do niego zbliżasz, Ken - Noel L. Reply od Ken Hi Noel, oczywiście istnieje wiele wskaźników, aby przyjrzeć się, choć kluczem jest wydać więcej czas na wskaźniki RYNEK w porównaniu do indywidualnych wskaźników wykresu Na przykład zawsze oczekuję premarketu na kontrakty terminowe na rynku terminali NASDAQ, w porównaniu z poprzednim dniem względną siłę sektorową oraz luki premarketowe i wskaźniki rynku, takie jak TRIN, sektory ES e-mini, sektor procenty, volu mes i innych wskaźników Więc tak jest dużo więcej niż po prostu cena, ale większość innych czynników ma charakter rynkowy i sektorowy, a nie wewnętrzny wykres W ramach wykresów wszystko od konkretnych krótkotrwałych wzorów świec do długości mikro trendów, głębokości filiżanek, ATR i innych wzorach w grę Wielkie pytanie, cieszyło się, że to wzbudziłeś Zobacz moje 3 funkcje Cena Artykuły o działaniu więcej. trzesień 23, 2017 12 24 PM. Już od jakiegoś czasu studiuję dyscypliny Ken's Prostota to dobrze określone podejście jest sposobem na podejmowanie trafnych decyzji handlowych Dobre decyzje usuwają konflikty emocjonalne, które wynikają z niezdecydowania i cięć działań na szybki poziom Jaki jest poziom, skąd pochodzi cena, a gdzie cena może zostać przeniesiona z miejsca to jest - Wes T. Reply z Ken Hey Wes, dzięki zawsze dobrze słuchać swoich myśli na temat tych strategii I właściwą akcję cenową jest najczystszy, najsilniejszy i najbardziej użyteczny sygnał, więc dlatego używam tego jako głównego powodu w hy wejść i wyjść z handlu Czy to intraday przy użyciu czytania taśm, czy obrotu huśtawka przy użyciu konkretnych zakresów wzorców akcji, rozszerzeń, ATR, wzorów świec itp., wszystko wraca do ceny, a objętość jest drugorzędnym wskaźnikiem, a wszystkie inne jako instrumenty pochodne nie są tak ważne. Ogodziny 22, 2017 8 43. Myślę, że nauka o akcjach cenowych byłaby świetna dla mojego handlu Działanie cenowe jest najlepszym wskaźnikiem --- więc jeślibym mógł się dowiedzieć, że jedna rzecz myślę, że mój handel znacznie się poprawi Jeszcze raz dziękuję za pomoc społeczności przedsiębiorcy Działanie cenowe na rzecz uczenia się pomogą lepiej wpisywać się w moje transakcje. Im więcej dowiesz się, tym lepiej handlujesz-- Jean J. Powinien od Ken Hi Jean, dobry punkt Znalazłem, że uproszczenie większości mojego obrotu proces przechodzenia WIDER, czyli większe instrumenty, lżejszy rozmiar, a następnie skalowanie do zwycięzców, wszystko oparte na akcie cenowym, jest znacznie lepszym podejściem niż przeanalizowanie i przechodzenie Głęboko w dwulicowe wykresy na duŜym rozmiarze Lekcja od wielu lat późno, przyznamy się, ale lepiej późno niż nigdy Cię nie zobaczą. Październik 17, 2017 11 56AM. Jak ze wszystkimi innymi klasami możesz to zrobić, to brzmi najgłośniej i cenowo dla mojego handlu m zawsze staram się poprawić mój handel, uczyć się jakiejś techniki Nie zdałem sobie sprawy, że moje transakcje są bardziej udane. Je zawsze szukam zagubionych umiejętności, które może nie wiem, ale chcą nauczyć się ciągle poprawiać moje kursy handlowe, oczekując na te seminaria internetowe, dziękuję, Ken - JaniceLynnJo października 16, 2017 12 54PM. Działanie na rzecz handlu jest królem Nauczanie taktyki i wzorów będzie wielkie Nie mogę się doczekać - Filip D. 16 października 2017 11 27. Co może być ważniejsze dla przedsiębiorców niż czytanie akcji na wykresie, aby dostrzec trend - Stephen CI nigdy nie potrafił całkowicie wyzbyć się wskaźników, ale wiem, że jestem w dobrym towarzystwie, ponieważ często widziałem wysokiej jakości guru Cena-Akcja, który teraz opadł na wskaźnik kuli, a potem chciałbym zobaczyć, jak Ken prezentuje jego a jeśli istnieje szansa może obejmować korzyści z wariantów świec Tick i zakres, które uważam za bardzo pomocne, gdy trend i przeguby są hałas pochowany w czas świeczniki - Roberto T. Reply od Ken Dobry punkt, Roberto, że to interesujące usłyszeć Osobiście nie używam żadnych wskaźników do transakcji opartych na akcjach cenowych na wszystkich używam 1-minutowej lub 5 15 60-minutowej dziennej wykresy świecowej, z wolumenu i to jest Profesjonalny handel akcjami o wiele więcej w takich sprawach cena e trwałości, długości mikro trendów, głębokości filiżanek, zmian cen procentowych i innych strategii zobacz tam, thanks. Having obrotu z tak wielu mylących wskaźników technicznych, uważam, że nauka i opanowanie czystej Action Price da mi przewagę na rynku I uczestniczyłem w kilku Twoich webminorach i wracam za więcej Będąc nowym przedsiębiorcą, wiele skorzystałem z twoich nauk Dziękuję Ken - Alwin S. Odwołanie od Ken Hi Alwin, dzięki za miły komentarz, cieszę się, że moje nauczanie był cenny Przedstawicie Państwo dobry punkt, czyli uzyskanie jasnego zrozumienia, jak prawidłowo działać na akcje cenowe, mogą potencjalnie dać zdrową przewagę nad innymi podmiotami gospodarczymi, zwłaszcza tymi, które używają wskaźników, ponieważ są one wyprowadzone z definicji Handel off czysty price action is the best way to trade, in my way of thinking at least Welcome to the event see you there. October 12, 2017 1 13PM. Ken, Would like to understand the probabilities of different types of cup patterns using price action SRPT today is a good example using a 1 min chart There are several cup patterns formed, it has an ATR of. 2 and if you waited for the major cups in the morning to set-up you made no however, if the minor cups were played you did well Would like to better understand how to better spot and play the minor cups with high probability Thanks for providing real life education for traders - Steve K. Reply from Ken Good point, Steve Trading price action involves several strategies cups are a good place to start The main thing is to learn this new set of price-action patterns using a variety of signals we ll learn about not only major minor cups, candles and breakout trends , but additional new price action plays that ll be useful to learn about I ll see you in the training. October 11, 2017 1 37PM. Welcome to Ken Calhoun s TradeMastery Daytrading University network of trading education sites -- popular with active traders featured in major financial media for over 15 years Risk Disclosure The risk of loss trading securities, futures, forex, and options can be substantial and is not for every investor Individuals must consider all relevant risk factors including their own personal financial situation before trading An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results Public notice I, Ken Calhoun am the sole owner, founder only employee of this business Nobody other than Ken Calhoun is authorized to manage and or handle anything related to this business including but not limited to 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Note testimonial s may not be representative of the experience of other clients testimonials are no guarantee of future performance nor success no compensation is ever paid for any testimonial. Founder of the popular Daytrading University network of sites, Ken s been trusted by traders worldwide since 1999 A regular MoneyShow Traders Expo speaker, and author of articles in Active Trader and Technical Analysis of Stocks Commodities magazines, his training reaches tens of thousands of traders An actual trader, Ken uses a variety of precision tactics to trade his accounts and to teach traders how to trade Traders value his training because it s professional, focused and shows step-by-step specific strategies. Mastery by Robert Greene. Robert Greene is the best selling author of a number of books that explore history and human psychology For this book, Mastery, he deviated from his most familiar topics and delve into the self-help genre In his own words, Robert Greene thinks there is a lack of self-help books with indepth exploration on the subject hence he chose to tackle the task in a way no one else has done before The result, Mastery, has generated mixed responses from his fans and new readers. Mr Greene defines mastery as a state of all-knowing where the person having both extensive knowledge of a subject and the ability to see past accepted beliefs of the subject when being put into a situation where the evidence does not support those beliefs Many examples are used to support the concept from both historical figures and modern masters A pretty extensive conjecture is made on how one can embark on the journey of self discovery to become a master of certain skills. The writing style of Mr Greene has done a great job in the other books he has written But when it comes to the self-help genre, he is facing a different group of readers for which many are not receptive to his approach His writing style and the message delivered in the book is completely different from the other self-help boo ks that in general focus on making the readers feel good about themselves. So, this is a self-help book that does not really give exact advice to the readers Instead it is an investigation into what people can do to explore what is possible and where their talent lies It may not work out for everyone as Mr Greene stated in the book At the end not everyone can become a master in their field What Mr Greene points out in the book is that to acheive mastery in a field, if you are up to the challenge, has certain patterns to follow. In summary, I like the message delievered in the book because I went through multiple transformations within my trading career so I see the beauty in which Mr Greene has grasped in terms of the essence necessary to become a master of anything The way the book was written, however, can use a slightly different format to improve the readability I recommend this book to all traders who like to acheive some kind of breakthrough in their trading careers but lack the id eas on how to approach the problem. Your Brain, Trading and Finding The Zone. What It Takes to Become A Master. Ever heard of the name Anders Ericsson Perhaps not, but i m guessing you heard of the name Malcolm Gladwell, author of the bestselling books Blink and Outliers Gladwell in his last book Outliers was trying to figure out what separates highly successful people from the rest in any field In it, he discussed the 10k hour rule, which was actually from the research of Anders Ericsson at Florida State University. Anders conducted a critical research project whereby he found it normally takes 10,000 hours of practice at a skill to become an expert in any discipline During this time, your central nervous system will string together new circuits and connections that eventually give you the tools and abilities to execute your skill with mastery Ironically, he also found it was done without a conscious consideration of the action the athlete or performer was just doing. What he discovered in his research was a Zen-like intense concentration, whereby the experts completely focused on the activity It was in these moments that the experts in their field were achieving peak performance by entering a state called the flow , originally characterized by Csikszentmihalyi in the 1970 s.10,000hrs to Become an Expert Trader. I know, many of you are saying, 10,000 hours would take me years, perhaps a decade to get to that In response to that, I have a few questions - What if you could accelerate your learning curve and learn how to enter that state before 10,000 hours - What if you could enter that state every day while trading - What do you think this would do to your trading - Would you put in the effort to develop this. We are going to talk about what you can do to leap-frog the 10,000hr process in this article and take years of your learning curve. Before we talk about what you need to do to enter the state of flow and effortless concentration, we are going to discuss the four key featu res that characterize the state of flow They are.1 An intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.2 Autotelicity a sense that the activity you are engaging in is rewarding for its own sake.3 The Sweet Spot this is where the task at hand in relationship to your skills are perfectly matched.4 Automaticity the ability to do something automatically. Let s get into each one and see how we can relate them to trading Then we will talk about what you can do to shortcut this process and decrease the number of hours you need to be studying charts to become an expert in reading the charts. 1 An Intense and Focused Absorption. One would almost think this would be enough to enter that flow, but all four are required to enter this zen-like state in trading If you train in yoga and meditation consistently day in day out, then this will come a lot more naturally because you are already practicing the craft of focus and concentration But if you are not, many things will come into play and affect your concentration. For example - Did you have an argument with your partner, spouse or child lately - Did you completely process everything from yesterday and are totally present with what you are doing today - Did you wake up and properly stimulate your central nervous system to be prepared for your trading day - Are you still focused on a recent loss or mistake - Did you drink coffee earlier that morning, or alcohol the night before - Are you taking phone calls or talking with others while trading - Are you checking email or watching TV during the trading session. If you answered yes to any o f these, it s highly likely your mind is not 100 absorbed in the markets as they will all inhibit your ability to concentrate. But lets say you have not had any of these come up Do you really think you are totally focused and absorbed in concentration If so, then take a simple test. Sit in a chair with your spine upright, in a very relaxed and quiet room, no music or tv or anything going on, just you sitting in a chair with your eyes gently focused forward, and try to concentrate solely on your breath Just follow the inhales and exhales completely Try and see if you can follow 20 breaths one inhale and exhale one breath without having a single thought other than your breath Try and see if you can follow them so perfectly you are never once taken off the focus of your breath, that you are so immersed in the experience of your breath, nothing diverts your attention. Go ahead and try and let me know how far you got take a moment here. Finished How did you do. I would be willing to bet most of you did not get past 5 breaths Yep, 5 breaths without a thought about your experience without moving to scratch an itch or have a question about whether you are doing it right about whether you can do it or not without hearing that song in your head or thinking about the one thing that person said which bothered you or that one thing you got to do later today or that bill you have to pay or the money you need or whatever. In fact, I d be willing to bet many of you did not even make it to 20 without losing count, let alone make it to 5 breaths, perhaps even 2 or 3.Remember, all you were asked to do is focus on your breath inhales and exhales solely for 20 breaths. Now ask yourself the following questions - If you cannot focus on your breath while sitting in a quiet room by yourself with no noise or stimulation going on, how can you be absorbed or concentrated on the markets - How could you be totally focused and not let those emotions interfere with your trading - If you could not stop the r adio of your mind and its constant stream of thinking while sitting still trying to do one task, how could you spot the subtleties in the price action communicating to you the market is going to turn or make a big move. Of all the 4 characteristics, the first one is the hardest The most common misconception of the whole 10,000hr rule is not just to absorb enough information so you become a master It s to develop the concentration needed, along with the repetition of a task that leads to confidence and allows one to relax their mind All of this is to develop that zen-like absorption and penetrating concentration to achieve peak performance. But what if you practiced something which solely focused on developing that concentration What if you practiced yoga, meditation, or any activity which developed this skill set Wouldn t that cut down the time you needed since your concentration and awareness would be sharper. Someone recently shared a great Abraham Lincoln quote where he said, I f I hav e 8hrs to chop down a tree, I m spending 6hrs sharpening my axe. If the markets are a tree, your mind is the axe, so sharpening this tool will help you reach your goal faster than anything else In fact, awareness, focus and concentration are the three things which will accelerate any skill, task or endeavor you engage in They will reveal information faster to you, help you take in more, focus on the key things and yield insight more naturally To learn a few techniques which can help you with this, click on my article Building A Successful Trading Mentality. This refers to doing something for its intrinsic value, and not so much for the external rewards it may provide For example, do you play football so you can become a multi-millionaire, or do you play the game because you love it so much, you d play it for free if you had all you needed to make a living Simply put, if one pursues an action for intrinsic reasons, then one s actions are intrinsically valuable because one is motivated to pursue the action as its own means to an end, or for its own enjoyment not for what it brings. To put this in a question do you trade because you absolutely love it, that you really want to learn it inside and out Or do you trade to become financially abundant and independent who doesn t Therefore, the latter is an inferior motivation since it is something you d want naturally financial independence Are you really wanting to be a professional trader, or are you trying to escape your financial situation and state of existence The former is ideal, the later is less helpful, but still can be used. Doing it for the latter reasons will translate into the experience, that when you run into obstacles or excuses why you did or did not do something , you will accept those excuses as reality instead of doing something to change them. It will mean your motivation for doing something is not the love of it, but hating or disliking something in your life you want to change, avoid or make sure doesn t h appen. Ask yourself which of these two is why you are wanting to trade Are you doing it because you really believe deep down inside you can do this, that you have to do this, regardless if you are successful or not Think about which of the two you will put more focus, effort and attention to Then ask yourself which of the two you are Nothing will be more important than being honest with yourself here If you find in all honesty the latter is your answer, you can still become successful, but either a you will have to trade with that intention in your mind via aversion to your current financial state or b your motivation will have to evolve into an more subtle appreciation for trading. This comes out of the work by Csikszentmihalyi where he discovered a person was most likely to enter this state of flow and masterful play if the task at hand was challenging enough in direct relation to their abilities So, if the task is too hard for your current level, then it will be mentally frustrating a nd you will get emotional during the experience If it is too easy, you will get bored and not stimulate your brain and potential fully. This is actually critical in terms of your trading If you are an absolute beginner, I do not recommend live trading, nor trading ultra short time frames less than 15mins Why Because you will need to read subtle price action clues with very little time, make decisions really fast, have precision in your execution, while having little or no room for error Sound like something a beginner should start with in any field or craft I didn t think so Do you start learning how to be a professional archer by shooting at 18meters, 70meters, or 3 With that being said, I recommend starting at the 1hr, 4hr and daily time frames to hone your skill-set. First things first build your skillset, learn how to read price action, get hundreds of trades under your belt, then decide what type of trading you want to do If you challenge yourself too hard in the beginning beyond yo ur abilities, you will likely incur some big losses, or many in a row, then get frustrated, and be unable to enter any sweet spot You want to be able to stretch yourself, but only in a controlled growth fashion This will allow you to enter that flow as your concentration will be challenged, yet you will have the ability to do the task successfully. This is the ability to do something automatically, to the point where it requires none of your mental resources or so little that you can use the rest of your mind for finding the best trading opportunities Your brain is like a computer processor, and if you are using resources for one or two other tasks, then you will have less processing speed for the task at hand That is why multi-tasking is the worst thing you can do when trading as it actually reduces your overall IQ. So shut off the email, turn off the cell-phone, unplug the landline, close your email program, and just focus on the markets when trading Give all your energy and focus to t hat so you can have your full natural intelligence dedicated to trading This will help you spot the best trading opportunities and make the best trading decisions. If you have all four of these characteristics present, then you can more naturally enter the zone or zen-like concentration But there are some additional things which will help you get there. While studying experts, Csikszentmihalyi found something unique in their brain activity First, he noticed less activity in their pre-frontal cortex This is the part of the brain typically associated with higher cognitive processes such as working memory and verbalization. Although that may seem like something you want highly active, what it really pointed out was during their states of zen-like concentration, the experts across all fields were able to silence their self-critical thoughts which allowed automaticity to take hold and thus have more resources dedicated to their craft. As traders, we have actually had this direct experience Ever had the experience of analysis paralysis This is your pre-frontal cortex working overtime criticizing every idea and thought to the point it paralyzes you Ever had a perfect trade come up, but your mind came up with all kinds of reasons and excuse s or ideas from other experts about how the market was going the other way This is exactly that kind of pre-frontal activity which actually inhibits your tradingplimentary to this, Chris Berka looked at the brain-waves of olympic archers and professional golfers What they noticed was a few seconds before the archer released the arrow, or the golfer hit the ball, they observed a small spike in the Alpha Band 8-12hz frequencies, and Theta Band 3-7hz frequencies. Alpha band frequencies are linked to a lower heart rate and a greater sense of calmness and relaxation, while Theta band frequencies are associated with deeper levels of concentration, meditative absorption, a heightened awareness of the sensory field, and a shift in the relationship to thoughts, feelings and the experience of self. As Berka noticed in her studies, the spike in the alpha waves represented more focused attention on the activity, while other sensory inputs are suppressed, accompanied by a slower breathing and lower pulse rate, all leading to greater concentration. To compliment this, Gabriele Wulf a kinesiologist at UNLV examined the way athletes move She noticed that if swimmers focused on an external stimuli, like how the water moves around them, instead of how their limbs are moving, their performance, speed and technique increased because the conscious thought of the pre-frontal cortex was turned down or off, and thus didn t interfere with the process. It allowed the automaticity to take over what it could so one could have more resources to doing the task with grace, effortlessness and creativity It should be noted, that it takes time to produce consistent alpha waves in the brain How much time A lot less than the 10,000hours needed to achieve a sens e of mastery and flow of your craft. In fact, if you can learn how to develop consistently stable alpha waves, you simply short-circuit the need to have 10,000hrs of chart time This is because your focus, concentration and awareness will all be sharper than usual You will spot more details in the price action find better opportunities out there, and be less inhibited by emotions and critical thoughts. In other words, you are removing all the obstacles for having the same mindset as an expert in any field does, thus shortening your learning curve to successful, effortless and masterful trading It is spending the first 6hrs sharpening your axe to chop down the tree in two hours, instead of hacking away at the tree for all eight Which path do you think requires more effort Which path helps you cut down the obstacles to your success faster and will lead to more successful trading. I look forward to hearing your comments and reflections on this. Kind Regards, Chris Capre. If you enjoyed this art icle or what we do, please make sure to share like tweet this article, and click the Like button for 2ndSkiesForex at the top of this article. Great article After reading your article it awakened something inside of me that has been buried for quite sometime Probably everyone has a story similar to this and hopefully others can relate I used to swim competitively on the US Masters swim team Many of the swimmers were former college or Olympic athletes Myself, I never swam in college and definitely not in the Olympics, but I had something What it was I wasn t sure, but I had a love for swimming and the willingness to go through anything to excel I had no fear, just focusing on endless practices, etc Anything I could do I did to achieve peak performance I can relate to entering into a zone There were times swimming where I forgot about everything It was just the water and myself nothing else just the efficiency of sliding through the water focusing on every stroke It s interesting, but my learning curve decreased, and I became very successful in a shorter time frame, and before long I was swimming in the fast lane with the big dogs and winning. Now the interesting thing is this I did this after having a benign brain tumor at 30 years old, which almost put me 6 feet under. So I think this a persons vision is clear, the possibilities are endless. I have a question Trading is unlike anything I have experienced My biggest hindrance in trading is the fear of losing Suggestions. Thanks again for the great article. If you ve had the experience before of doing whatever was needed to achieve and stabilize in peak performance, then that information is still available to you today just have to come in contact with it. In regards to trading is experiencing fear, specifically the fear of losing, there are a couple of possibilities, a couple things that come to mind are 1 risking too much in terms of 2 not accepting the amount you are risking 3 or, it maybe something deeper, perhaps and un conscious or limiting belief which may be coming up during these moments. The first two can be easily dealt with, but the latter is something I d suggest doing some ERT with emotional re-polarization technique. If you are interested in learning more about ERT, let me know, as I know someone who does this, and we are building a specific program just for traders in this area. Kind Regards, Chris. Actually, I never thought about something like this but have read it and when I think about it I may have the same problem Fear and limiting belief I tend to go into the can I really do this zone too frequently One other thing with me is impatience, where if I cant do it in a week, its too late, sort of thing. One thing I think I have in me is to be able to follow rules and keep following them without wearing off course. Having the ability to follow rules is critical in trading and will help a great deal But definitely sounds like there are some limiting beliefs which will continue to cause setbacks a nd you to repeat certain patterns in trading. Luckily these things are workable and can be remedied with the right training, discipline and practice. Kind Regards, Chris. Another gem of an article Chris Personally, I know I have so much work to do in all 4 areas, however 2 Autotelicity, really holds the key to tying it all together for me. Slowly but surely, I m finding that the more I just enjoy my fascination with. how price ebbs and flows on the charts the various patterns price creates dutifully following rules for entries and exits that you have taught me. INSTEAD of just focussing on my trading account balance and the money flowing in or out. RESULTS IN me feeling that my understanding of price action is becoming deeper and that each trading day is becoming more enjoyable. P S Big thanks for the tip on Lumosity a few articles back Brain is loving it. Quote Don t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant Robert Louis Stevenson. Tis ok that you have work to do, the process starts by first becoming aware of what you need to work on, then getting to work on those key areas. Yes, price does ebb and flow, almost like an inhale and exhale There are various patterns, some repeat, some are unique, but following the rules from the course will definitely help you in this process. Balance checking is one of the most destructive and distracting habits it can activate all kinds of tho ughts, emotions and really keeps you focused on the wrong thing when you should be focused on the markets. Good to hear you are enjoying the Lumosity tis a great place to develop those key connections in the brain. Kind Regards, Chris. Great article Chris As someone who has practiced meditation almost every day for the past 38 years, I can attest that you have hit the nail on it s head with your suggestions in this article Getting to the stage of blocking out, or releasing, all other thoughts takes practice It is not easy to work at, just like any endevour or challenge, but once accomplished the day seems to easily flow from one positive to another, particularly if you JUST LET IT Once a person has reached that stage it then takes just a little practice to keep the radio part of your brain quiet at key times and let your quietness determine your path Here the answer to my next step up in trading has been right before me and I failed to notice it I tend to multi-task while I m trying to co ncentrate on my trading Two wrongs By multi-tasking I m FORCING my brain to concentrate and not just flow to the correct path reaction Some of my best trades have been when I m NOT concentrating, just reacting or flowing Many thanks for the lesson Chris. Yes, learning how to deal with the conditional thinking patterns and distracting thoughts takes practice and learning to be able to sit with one s mind. It is good you recognized multi-tasking can limit or affect your concentration It actually reduces one s IQ and is really dividing or splitting your attention between two tasks But also you noticed by multi-tasking, you are forcing your brain to actually be more engaged, instead of having more expansive awareness. Thank you for sharing this and am glad you enjoyed this article. All the best Chris. I am lucky to come by this article I remember the times I was better than the professionals in my career at very small age All the grace is lost with lack of concentration It is a come back now Gr eat Wisdom Chris Weldone. Am glad you liked this article Yes, with a lack of concentration, our natural skills and intelligence will not be applied to the moment, nor released for their expression which is a critical feedback from our experience. I hope your comeback is a fruitful one. Kind Regards, Chris. I suppose the most common thought that arises when people try to take their attention to their breath, their inner body, to hearing without labeling et cetera is this is boring, I have important things to think about. If someone is thinking that meditation is boring and they have important things to talk about, then a they are getting caught up in the conditional mindstream b have no idea what the fruits of meditation are c aren t really paying attention as meditation done well is incredibly poignant. just my experience. kind regards, cc. Regarding the above comment, I had a good chuckle the other day when it was late and for some reason I was watching a re-run of the movie Hamburger Hill th at was shot in the early 70 s about the Vietnam war One of the young soldiers says to the other one who is sitting cross-legged with his eye s closed, what are you doing I m meditating, it s where you try to think of nothing other soldier says Then how do you know if it s working A typical misunderstanding from people that have never heard of the benefits of it or tried it Like many things Most of the time it takes at least a few sessions for it to work although I must admit that the first time when I was taught it the benefits were immediate I was around 15 years old at the time My wife has tried many times but cannot seem to meditate think it is because she just can t calm her mind again, great article Chris Cheers. thanks for this wonderful article, the best ive ever read i am going through this similar problem and ive lost my way, this article has helped me a lot I will try to sharpen my skills more thanks a million. Am glad you liked it I am really passionate about bringing material around this trading psychology, mind, learning process, etc out there so am appreciative of the kind words and that you are finding benefit from it. If your ever open minded enough to go down the rabbit hole regarding improving your mindset, email me via the Contact Page and i ll talk about some of the methods i ve used to build a successful mindset. Kind Regards, Chris. Chris, thank a lot for sharing These are brilliant articles and it helps me in more than just my trading, also in my everyday life. Chris, do you have a list of suggested books to read. I get, hard work. How much sense this makes. In a former life every day, every breath, every nuance of my craft was pure joy for the love of it There was no effort involved even for complex time critical tasks It was like everything crystallized out of thin air. Aiming for the same zone in my trading. Enjoying your articles immensely especially the ones about fear and feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. Yes, when we really are passiona te about what we do, it almost seems effortless and the time is not a burden but just a path we are on to our work and goal. This can be achieved in trading with the right training as well, as it just takes a little re-programming, perhaps via ERT training. If you are interested for more details, email me via the Contact Page. Until then good luck trading. Kind Regards, Chris. I might be able to achieve a C or B - in my understanding of technical analysis, but in the characteristic areas mentioned above, a D - at best So recognizing this, maybe there is hope Going to get to work and sharpen that axe more and swing less Thx. I always believe that if the person has the passion, then they can learn the skills necessary to trade This is the foundational energy needed Learning to read charts and price action can be learned, and will be with the right effort, so regardless of where you are grading now, the skills needed can be learned and improved. Kind Regards, Chris Capre. Great article Chris I have the passion but need to continue to work on the skills proper mindset Reading this made me aware of some of my lack of focus while trading Too much multi-tasking distractions I ll continue the journey with more concentration Thanks. Amazing article, a real eye opener, I know it will show all of us, the right path towards successful concentration on the Trading business Cheers and thanks a lot. Hi Chris, I m slowly going through your articles and really enjoyed this one This is an area that I absolutely MUST improve upon to obtain the desired level of success I have in store for myself I acknowledge that I MUST learn this skill as part of the strategy for this journey I am on I would like to learn more Regards. Yes, mindset is a very particular skill you ll need to succeed in trading and life Focus directs your mind so super important to improve and expand. Kind Regards, Chris. Copyright 2007 - 2017 2ndSkiesForex All rights reserved Terms of Service Privacy Policy. NO FINANCIAL ADVICE - The Information on and any correspondence from or contractors and or employees of the site is provided for education and informational purposes only, without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including warranties of accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose. The information contained in or provided from or through this site is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice or any other advice The information on this site and provided from or through this site is general in nature and is not specific to you the user or anyone else YOU SHOULD NOT MAKE ANY DECISION, FINANCIAL, INVESTMENTS, TRADING OR OTHERWISE, BASED ON ANY OF THE INFORMATION PRESENTED ON THIS SITE WITHOUT UNDERTAKING INDEPENDENT DUE DILIGENCE AND CONSULTATION WITH A PROFESSIONAL BROKER OR COMPETENT FINANCIAL ADVISOR You understand that you are using any and all information available on or through this site AT YOUR OWN RISK. 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